Privacy Policy

1. General

This policy outlines the type of information we may collect from the “Willowton Group” website and how we may use that information. By using this site and/or providing personal information, you agree to the terms of this policy.

Please note that in order to take part in some of our functions and activities and to get access to some of our products or services; it will be necessary for you to provide Personal Data on certain areas of the site.


2. Collection and use of personal information

We undertake to take reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data we collect from you are accurate, complete and up to date. However, the onus remains with you to ensure that the Personal Data you provide is accurate, complete and up to date at the time of the collation. Should you later on establish that Personal Data held by us is not accurate, complete and/or up to date; we will upon your written notice take all reasonable steps to correct the Personal Data accordingly.

The primary purpose of our collection of this information is to be able to provide products and services to you, to provide you with customer support services, to seek your opinion from time to time, and to compile marketing and other statistics for use by Willowton Group Pty (LTD). However, Willowton Group Pty (LTD) may also use this information together with data from third parties in order to provide information to you on Willowton Group products, services and promotions, and on complementary products and services offered. At times, we will collect Personal Information from third parties, who may also keep your Personal Information. When we do so, the identity of the third party will be made known to you. Personal History information is primarily used for customer support, statistical and customer service purposes.


3. Disclosure

We may disclose your personal information to our associated companies and to third parties for our own business, marketing and website-related purposes. We will not sell, transfer or disclose your personal information to third parties unless we have your express consent or if we need to do so to fulfil your request or for other related purposes and we will never sell, transfer or disclose your personal data to third parties for their marketing use.


4. Security and accuracy

The accuracy and security of your personal data is important to us and we have put in place physical and electronic procedures to maintain the security of your personal information. Only authorised administrative staff will have access to that information. If you have submitted personal information to us and would like that information deleted from our records, or updated, please contact us at


5. Transfers

Any personal information we collect will be stored in South Africa.


6. Contact

For any further information regarding the website please email